The of role of food wasting on starvation-descriptive study

1.    Introduction
            in this study, I will focus on how wasting the food causes starvation, I will narrate separately starvation and food wasting, also I will come up with some facts about food wasting by quoting FAO and other researchers, plus I will mention the main causes of food wasting and the strategies we can cope with it,

2.    Objectives of the study
This study will examine the contribution of food wasting on starvation,
3.    Research methodology
               This study will employ descriptive/ conceptual research, I will read almost ten articles written by different researchers and institutions including FAO, after noting the concept I get from them I will summarize them and put it into writing.
4.    Literature review
During this study I reviewed ten articles written by different scholars, and all of them focused on the relationship between starvation and food wasting in different context especially in third world including Africa and Asia.
One of the articles I reviewed is the one written by Dr. C. B. Singh, Head and Associate Professor which titled “FOOD SECURITY AND ITS CHALLENGES IN INDIA" talked my issues about how world trade organization agreement effects the agriculture and food security in India also he stated that many agricultural sites in India changed into business areas which loses tons of food and suggests to stop the diversion of farms areas in to non-farm.

            Also I reviewed the article of starvation syndrome written by center for clinical intervention, this article talked about an experiment related to the starvation conducted by US army, they reduced the intake of calorie in six months, and their experiences during the experiment include: decrease in physical strength, Decrease in physical strength.
• Giddiness and momentary Blackouts.
• Pale, cold, dry, and marked Skin.
• Tiredness.
• Decrease in mental alertness.
• Hair that is thin, dry and/or falling out.
• Preoccupation with food, including persistent Thoughts and dreams about food.
Change in mealtime behaviors. This can include
Toying with food, or being ritualistic about the Way in which food is eaten.
• Decrease in self-discipline.
• Decrease in comprehension.
• Loss in concentration.
• Apathy.
• Depression.
• A loss of ambition.
• Moodiness and irritability.
In conclusion the center for clinical intervention declared that starvation has negative effects on the human being.

            According to Annu. Rev. Nutr. {2006} who investigated the “fuel metabolism in starvation” stated that the normal person can survive only for two months of starvation but the obese person can survive more.

            According to Jason W. Clay who wrote aboutFreeze the footprint of food” identifies eight steps that, taken together, could enable farming to feed 10 billion people and keep Earth habitable including to use the technology effectively, to avoid the degradation of land, to make better practices and use the modern tools of agriculture, to make property rights and ownership of land, to avoid food waste and more others.

            According to DP H. H. WOOLLARD who talked about THE NATURE OF THE STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN NERVE ENDINGS IN STARVATION AND IN BERI-BERI outlines how starvation affects the brain and spinal cord of human being.

Also I quoted an article wrote by FAO about global food loses and food wastes, they stated that 1.3 billion tons is wasted per year, in addition one-third of world food is wasted, also they stated the number of fishes, chickens and different types of meet being use and lost every year, also they declared that industrialized countries waste more food than other countries, also poor facilitates and lack of infrastructure as main contributors of food loss.

            According to Jean-Hervé Lignot and Yvon LeMaho who focused the topic of “A History of Modern Research into Fasting, Starvation, and Inanition ” talked about how animals bear the burden of starvation, he told that the tolerance of starvation depends on the storage of energy,

            Also I reviewed another article which its writer is unknown, it focused the starvation and its causes, it uses another name of starvation which is live lock, and it mentioned that avoiding of starvation depends on our ability to share the resource fairly.

Finally, I reviewed the article of Food Waste written by the authors of Catherine Alexander and Nicky Gregson, they told that the food is wasted due to political, economic, and cultural reasons, also lack of organization, poor distribution and les infrastructure are the main causes of food waste,
Rich people waste the food they believe that they are not inedible.
They defined the food waste as” the failure to use potentially to satisfy human hunger as well as to the inefficient use of plant’s energy content and nutrients for human purposes” finally the concluded the that food is for human and it must be in the top priorities, food waste should be avoided in all stages of food
·         Harvesting
·         Threshing
·         Drying
·         Storage
·         Primary processing
·         Secondary processing
·         Product evaluation
·         Packaging
·         Marketing and distribution
·         Postconsumer
·         End of life.

5.    Results and discussions
During the study we found that tremendous food which estimated 1.3 tons is waster every year which equivalent to one third of food produced, also we knew that political, and cultural reasons are the contributors of food wasting, also less roads, less storage and lack of infrastructure are also causes of food waste, also we realized that 1 billion people live in the world use more food than their exact need, ironically one other billion people use less food than their actual need,
·         In addition the food is wasted in every stage of food production weather it’s Harvesting
·         Threshing
·         Drying
·         Storage
·         Primary processing
·         Secondary processing
·         Product evaluation
·         Packaging
·         Marketing and distribution or
·         Post consumer

This study stated that there is no fair distribution of resources, and the food mostly wasted by rich people due to the their believing about that the food is not needed by human being, also the most food wasted by industrialized countries more than developing and under developed countries, also some studies we cited which conducted in India showed that massive land for agriculture turned into non-farm sectors,

6.    Policy implications
We shall suggest some policies that can discourage food waste and starvation, some of the key recommendations are as follows,
·         Encouragement to productive improvements, through low rate credits, subsidies etc.
·         Value-added agriculture refers most generally to manufacturing processes that increase the value of primary agricultural commodities. Value-added agriculture may also refer to increasing the economic value of a commodity through particular production processes, e.g., organic produce, or through regionally branded products that increase consumer appeal and willingness to pay a premium over similar but undifferentiated products.
This concept has gained currency in the small farm policy debate, in response to the concern that the farm value of the consumer food dollar continues to decrease. Value added agriculture might be a means for farmers to capture a larger share of the consumer food dollar. Examples include direct marketing; farmer ownership of processing facilities; and producing farm products with a higher intrinsic value (such as identity-preserved grains, organic produce, hormone-free beef, free-range chickens; etc.), for which buyers are willing to pay a higher price than for more traditional bulk commodities. Value-added agriculture is regarded by some as a significant rural development strategy. Small-scale, organic food processing, non-traditional crop production, agri-tourism, and bio-fuels development are examples of various value-added projects that have created new jobs in some rural places
·         To change the traditional agricultural tools into modern ones.
·         To increase the land of agriculture
·         Transport Facilities
·         Irrigation Facilities
·         Agricultural Education
·         Co-operative Farming
7.    Reference
(Clay, 2015)
Cahill, G. F. J. (2006). Fuel metabolism in starvation. Annual Review of Nutrition, Centre for Clinical Interventions. (2003). Eating Disorders - Starvation. Clay, J. W. (2015). Freeze the footprint of food, (June),
 Lignot, J., & Lemaho, Y. (2012). Chapter 2 A History of Modern Research into Fasting , Starvation , and Inanition, Of, C., & Starvation, S. (n.d.). Support for execution :
(Lignot & Lemaho, 2012)
(Cahill, 2006)Cahill, G. F. J. (2006). Fuel metabolism in starvation. Annual Review of Nutrition, Centre for Clinical Interventions. (2003). Eating Disorders - Starvation. Clay, J. W. (2015). Freeze the footprint of food, (June),
Lignot, J., & Lemaho, Y. (2012). Chapter 2 A History of Modern Research into Fasting , Starvation , and Inanition, Of, C., & Starvation, S. (n.d.). Support for execution :

(Centre for Clinical Interventions, 2003)
(Lignot & Lemaho, 2012) (Of & Starvation, n.d.)
Lignot, J., & Lemaho, Y. (2012). Chapter 2 A History of Modern Research into Fasting , Starvation , and Inanition,
Of, C., & Starvation, S. (n.d.). Support for execution :


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