Book Review: Enjoy Your Life-A book that will improve your interpersonal skills.

Enjoy your life by Dr. Muhammad ‘Abdur-Rahman al-areefy” is a great self-help book with 4.9 stars at Amazon. This piece is the most well-known book among all the books of Al-areefy, it was previously published in Arabic edition and lately, it was translated into English in 2012, it is also translated into many other languages.
The main theme in the book is the interpersonal skills, it teaches you how to earn the people’s love and to have good relationships with them. The author relates many stories about his personal experience during his course of life and during the 20 years of research, he dedicated to writing this masterpiece. 

The prophet Muhammad's stories about dealing with people are also related in the book, I learned from this book that Prophet Muhammad was an amazing creature who received the love of all his followers. This book is not an only self-help book but it is also a guide to the Islamic religion and the way the companions used to live.

Though the book is 476 pages it only took me 17 days to cover reading roughly 28 pages per day. Some stories in the book will make you cry, others will make you contemplate and think twice.

In short, you will never get the most of this book until you read it and turn its pages to the end but to get some glimpse I will try to embed some quotations from the book in this Review.
Quote 1
You slept while the oppressed was wide awake supplicating against you, and Allah’s eyes don’t sleep
Moral of the quote: Never oppress a person and expect to prosper in life.
Quote 2
 “It is best if you are able to make people pay attention to their mistakes without them even realizing it,
A man once sneezed in front of Abdullahi ibn Mubarak, but he didn’t say: Alhamdulillah.
Abdullahi Said: “what does one say when he sneezes”
The man said: Alhamdulillah.
Abdullahi Responded: “Yarhamuk Allah. May Allah have mercy on you.”
Quote 3
“Indeed, it is Allah who creates what he wishes and chooses from and for them. The choice is not in our hands. Therefore, it is only appropriate for the one going through any difficult to recall and be grateful for Allah,s blessings before Remembering Allah’s Trails. If he has deprived you of wealth, he has given you health. If he has deprived you of that, he has granted you a sound mind. If you missed out on your sanity, then he has given you Islam. Congratulations to you for living and dying upon the true religion that alone is enough for you to shout at the top of your lungs: Alhamdulillah”
Quote 4
“One of the best methods to handle nosy people is to answer their questions with counter questions or to change the topic completely, for example, someone asks you: “what is your salary?” you answer with a smile: “why, have you found me a better paying job?” he will probably reply “No, but I would just like to know.” You can say: salaries these days are a problem; it’s probably because of the increase in oil prices!” he will inquire “what does oil have to do with salaries?” you answer; “well, the price of oil determines all the prices; haven’t you noticed that wars have been fought for it?” he will say; “that’s not true; wars are caused by many other factors. Today the world is filled with warfare.” Gradually, as the discussion progresses, he will forget his initial question.”
Quote 5
“Showing others that you care for them by sharing both their joyful times and their sad times will allow you to win their hearts. For example, while you are preparing for your exams, you receive a message on your mobile phone saying; “how are your exams going? By Allah, I’m thinking of you, and I pray that you succeed. Your friend, Ibrahim.” Wouldn’t this message make you appreciate and like your friend Ibrahim more than others? Surely that would be the case.”
Quote 6
“The flesh of humans cannot be consumed, and the skin of humans cannot be worn. So what is left in him except the sweetness of his tongue?”

These quotes and many others in the book are amazing and that is what makes it a life-changing one, the book has minor criticisms as it is too large to the extent of 476 pages due too many repetitions, for example, the author relates the Hudeybiyah treaty in the book more than four times.

Finally, I appreciate your time you have read in this review, your comments are well-appreciated. 


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